Colors and our health

The light, temperature, and colors of various rays, generate vibration in humans and also in animal tissues. This vibration causes a vital effect on the tissues. A diverse impact of color is caused on different glands, as follows:

EyesSky Blue
PituitaryDark Blue

Colors can cure all diseases inherited to humankind as a part of evolutionary process. The proper use of color generates a resistance power in patients.

Colors and Food

Minerals and gases found in sunlight are the essential ingredients of human food. Food provides us the necessary energy and strength to live. If we use both light and food, our power will be doubled.


One day, during my Sufi training, it was revealed to me that all colors are present in the sunlight and these colors fulfil all of our nutritional requirements. If we store sunlight in our biological system, we can then accomplish our nutritional necessities. According to my scheduled program, I used to sit in a meditation position (yoga asana) before sunrise; I faced east, using a selective focus technique, I inhaled and stored the selected sunrays in my stomach. This method nourished me and I didn’t need any food, just a little water was enough. I did not feel any weakness as this exercise made me feel very light, like walking in space or on the clouds. The sold stonewalls appeared as paper walls. The sun is a vital source of Vitamin D, but there are other vitamins present, each one correlating to a distinct color:

  • Vitamin A   Yellow
  • Vitamin B   Green
  • Vitamin C   Lemon
  • Vitamin D   Violet
  • Vitamin E   Violet
  • Vitamin K   Dark Blue

The best way to absorb the color is to consume fruits, juices and vegetables consistent with the required color. The blend of sunlight in fruits and vegetables is direct. We need to be careful in determining the ratio of colors in our daily diet and if we overcook or fry food, it destroys the nourishing colors.

Psychological Impact of Colors

In view of the recently conducted experiments, research work in modern science, and based up on the ancient history written by the healers, doctors and scientists of Color and Light Therapy, it is established that sunlight is vital for us in every walk and aspect of our lives. The proper use of colors earns the best results.

Example 1:

In a factory, when some of the female employees were found absent repeatedly, which resulted in a drop in the production level, the management contacted a color therapist. After having examined the environment and the internal condition of the factory, carefully, it was found that the cause of the female workers’ absence was due to the color of the walls being blue. The therapist had the walls painted in a light almond color, which reduced the impact of the blue lights on women; consequently, the attendance of workers went back to normal.

Example 2:

In another workplace, when brown colored windows were painted light orange, the amount of fatigue, exhaustion and the number of accidents were reduced. The employees interest and enthusiasm boosted and they began to work with a greater amount of determination.

Example 3:

The walls in the restroom of a mill were blue and there were many complaints about the place being cold. Although when the walls were painted orange, the same people began to complain that it was too hot, even though the temperature was never changed.

Example 4:

In an experiment, two different groups of salesmen were asked to stay in two different rooms, one with green walls and the other with red walls. Their watches were taken away from them. After some time, when their meetings were over, they were asked how long they had stayed in their room. The salesmen from the red room answered 6 hours, whereas they only spent 3 hours in the room. The salesman from the green room answered that they stayed for only 2 hours, but in fact they had stayed in the room for 4.5  hours.

Example 5:

In a manufacturing unit, products were packed in black colored iron containers and there was an increase in complaints by the factory workers about the heavy weight of the containers. Management decided to paint the containers green. The number of complaints per day reduced immediately.

Example 6:

When a group of students were shown slides in green, in comparison with black and white, most students improved their grade by 40%. In comparison between groups of colors, red, green, black and white resulted in 80% improved result. The groups with background slides in red, green and blue, resulted in 30% improvement.

Example 7:

In the life experience of a coach, he stated, “I arranged two dressing rooms for my players, one with the interior painted blue and the other with red. The blue room was meant for players to rest and the red room was used to plan the strategies of the game, resulted in enhancing the performance of the players.”

Example 8:

In order for his station to look attractive and beautiful, an owner of a radio station decorated the rooms with red fluorescent lights. Within two months a fight broke out among the workers and management. However, when the lights were changed, harmony developed among the workers and the administration within a period of one week. The resignations were taken back, causing a significant rise in the standard of service.

Example 9:

A furniture maker was fully aware of the usefulness of colors since 1925. He was afraid of cars, trains and hard floors. One day he wore a dark red coat, which made him so thrilled with joy that he started wearing ties, waistcoats and even under garments of the same red color. This eventually gave him a recovery from fearfulness.

In today’s modern age, people have started wearing colorful clothes. In research, a person who utilizes the services of a dress consultant said, “Wearing colorful clothes changes the entire life of a person, many people have experimented and asserted that entering the world of a colorful life has not only improved their confidence level, but helped to provide them with better jobs, a wider circle of friends and the divorce ratio decrease significantly.”

The benefits of color are so needed in today’s world, so filled with tensions; it is essential and has never been more important in history. The use of congenial (well-suited) colors not only increases magnetism and esteem, but also brings about various good psychological changes. Black and brown colors are the symbol of sadness, despair and hopelessness. Thus in work places, homes and all those places where we spend most of our time, we ought to use colors sensibly to gain self-confidence, harmony and synchronization with nature

Body of Light or Aura ( [ism-e-Misali)

Despite the fact that centers of energy do not exist all over the human body, energy still travels from the top to bottom and released eventually. Human bodies emit light in the same manner as the stars in our galactic system. Just like our material body, there is another invisible body called the ‘Body of Light’ (Jism-e-Misali) or Aura. The Aura is the name of those basic rays and waves that begin the construction of the physical body.

This Body of Light is almost conjoined with the physical body, and the reflection of this Aura is spread around the physical body up to 9 inches. The modern scientists have presumed this mere reflection as Aura. A flashlight can be used as an example. The bulb in the flashlight, for instance, is the body of light, but the scope of the Beam spreads both internally and externally.

Kirlian photography was discovered by accident in 1939 by a Russian lectrician Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and ever since scientists have been using it to study Aura. Peter Mandel, A research scientiston the effect of light in our body, and the Pioneer of the Kirlian camera in 1972 named his research work “Esogetics”, a meeting point between spiritual wisdom and body energies. He divides his treatments into the hierarchy of the body, soul, and spirit levels. He says, “Through our observations, it became obvious that long before physical symptoms manifest; bodily changes, and disease are energetically existent and through our photographic technique would reveal themselves.”

A (picture on left) Kirlian glow around human fingers Kirlian effect is a was recorded using a special camera. Subtle electro photonic glow of an object in response to pulsed electrical field excitation. It was observed by Taslalate in the 19th century, but named after Semyon Kirlian who investigated it in the 1930s.  

Our Aura cannot be seen with the help of a medium or material source, however, its reflection can be seen, only because Auras transform into matter. The foundation of human life is based on health, happiness, and grief. If the Aura (Jism-e-Misali) is healthy, then the body of flesh and bones is healthy. All the desires, intentions, temptations and persuasions are transferred from the Aura or Jism-e-Misali into the human body.

When two people embrace each other or shake hands to introduce themselves, a running electrical flow absorbs in both of them and they feel an internal sparking, as we would feel a very light electric current.

As the creation process continues in the atmosphere—when people draw their attention towards each other—the existing rays in the atmosphere generates sparks in them. As a result, just one person can influence another or a lot of people at the same time. When someone is in need of oxygen, the person nearby begins to need it as well, exactly as everyone in the group starts yawning when someone among them yawns.

The figure and contours of the Aura are based upon the energy and mass build up around us. After having been circling around us, this energy is grounded in the Earth. At times, the mass accumulation of this discharging energy remains stored in our feet. Therefore, this storage of accumulated energy and the storage of the powerful energy stored beneath the waves of this energy in the Earth carry much importance. If for some reason the stored energy in our feet is not released properly, it can cause dizziness. In this regard, it is important to know that when the process in energy, being released through the feet, is flawed in a person, that person can suffer with epileptic fits.

There is a constant transformation in an Aura but at times, its lights come to a standstill. When these lights stop on a focal point, the person starts visualizing the invisible phenomenon in the surroundings and becomes aware of his/her soul. Once the body connects with the soul, it nurtures the feelings of love and service. For instance, when a person in concord with his/her soul, enters a room filled with people it causes the environment to suddenly sparkle and the atmosphere to be etheric (lighter). For certain people, their Aura (Body of Light) spreads and covers the entire room. People whose Aura shrinks or becomes dirty (discolored) cause the environment and atmosphere to be turbid and disarrayed. Some Aura’s never change or transform, but can simply influence others’ Auras. It occurs both positively and negatively, when two people become closer, the more powerful Aura influences the weaker.

The Centers of Colors

According to the book Whoopi written by one of the ancient American Indian tribes Whoopi, the human body and the planet Earth are predicated on the same pattern. They have the same axis. The axis of the human body is the spine, where all the human movements and actions are based. Our health depends on the energy centers hidden in this axis, the spine. The first center is on the top of our head. This one is a very soft point on top of the babies’ head (on the crown), being a door for the child to accept life. The second center is the brain, which helps us to think. The third is our throat that connects the holes of our mouth and nose. This center also gives us a sense of taste and speech. The fourth center is our heart, through which the system of vibration exists. The last center is below our navel (bellybutton), which controls the actions and activities of our physical body. A balance in these centers and a steadiness in the flow of energy among these centers guarantee human health. All the centers are replete with the frequencies of energy. Each center is based upon a unique value; which is exhibited in the form of colors.

As all objects and things are created in steps or grades, so is the case with color. The hot energy that is produced in the lower part of the body, keeps our bodies activated and food digested. This energy has an ambiance that is hot and colored in yellow. An imbalance in this center causes stomach, pancreas and liver problems. The color of the center near the heart is dark red. Its instability influences the performance of the thyroid and sexual glands. The deficiency of this color decreases our resistance power, as well as makes us uncomfortable, angry and agitated. The throat center is blue—the study of this color tells us how we can use words more articulately, to express our feelings. The base is in the throat; therefore, all throat-based diseases and problems also occur through this center. For instance, if the thyroid gland is suffering, the entire body can be affected. The natural color of the center between the eyebrows is dark blue and is connected with the part of the brain that possesses our subconscious and intuitive activities. This energy point, located on the crown (on top of our head), is violet (as in lilac). People filled with this color tend to possess artistic ability, an attraction towards beauty and an inclination towards religion. In order for us to stay fully healthy, it is imperative that we should educate ourselves with the knowledge of our energy centers and their colors.